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what it's really like on a southern Exposure fishing charter

Southern exposure Inshore fishing charters (5)
Southern exposure Inshore fishing charters (4)
half day charter
Southern exposure Inshore fishing charters (2)
Southern exposure Inshore fishing charters (1)
Southern exposure Inshore fishing charters (3)
chris with 001 tarpon tag
reds at the dock
kids fishing with bull red
Fairhope fishing
fun day catching reds
family fishing with bull red catch
chris with tarpon in water
basket of fish
chris and client with bull red
at the dock
bull red great catch
Southern Exposure Inshore Fishing
Tarpon fishing
Fairhope fishing with kids
redfish charters
good day on the water
family fishing Fairhope
nice catch!
fishing with kids
Hollie holding King Mackerel
weeks bay fishing
inshore fishing
inshore fishing charter
fishing weeks bay
Southern Exposure fishing
fishing with kids
fish on ice
inshore fishing charter Fairhope
fun day on the water
Weeks Bay fishing charter
great day fishing
family charter
fishing with my dad and uncle.jpg
trout fishing Fairhope
beautiful red
Joe brings them in
triple tail in weeks bay
great trout run
fish on!
beautiful red
first catch
an early morning red
Amelia & Bill had a full day!
kids are bringing them in!
Point Clear fishing
Nice day's catch
fishing charter with kids

Capt. Chris,


Thanks for the AWESOME fishing trip! To say we had a successful day of fishing would be quite an understatement! Trout, redfish, tripletail, sheepshead, croakers, and yes even a stingray. You really put us on the fish! You're a true professional and someone I would highly recommend! We had a great time and look forward to a return visit to Fairhope and our next charter!


-Randy, Winnie, & TJ 

Gainesville, FL

Southern Exposure Inshore Fishing

specializes in inshore fishing charters around Fairhope, Orange Beach, Mobile Bay, Fort Morgan, Gulf Shores, and Point Clear.  We custom tailor the charter to you!

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Call or Text: 251.401.2740

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Southern Exposure Inshore Fishing.  

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